Potter's Block

common ground complete home pottery kit

Top 10 reasons to buy a home pottery kit

Pottery, one of the oldest human inventions, is thriving again and home pottery kits have launched over the last 12 months to encourage the nation’s new clay addiction. Here are some of the reasons why you will love them. 

Top 10 reasons to buy a home pottery kit

Pottery, one of the oldest human inventions, is thriving again and home pottery kits have launched over the last 12 months to encourage the nation’s new clay addiction. Here are some of the reasons why you will love them. 

Mum's the Word: Top 10 Tips for Mother’s Day Gift Buying

Mum's the Word: Top 10 Tips for Mother’s Day Gi...

Mother’s Day is on Sunday March 14th March. Avoid a last-minute dash and check out our top tips on what to buy your mum to make her feel special and appreciated. Ideas...

Mum's the Word: Top 10 Tips for Mother’s Day Gi...

Mother’s Day is on Sunday March 14th March. Avoid a last-minute dash and check out our top tips on what to buy your mum to make her feel special and appreciated. Ideas...

Two black boxes wrapped using Keeeps gift wrapping service

Buying gifts that won't end up in the present d...

There was a time when the practice of “re-gifting” was looked down upon.  Times have changed and a “present drawer” is now as commonplace as a sock drawer. 

Buying gifts that won't end up in the present d...

There was a time when the practice of “re-gifting” was looked down upon.  Times have changed and a “present drawer” is now as commonplace as a sock drawer.